It really did turn out to be a rainy, gray day. Despite the optimism shown by Gallaghers' cows - who stood in a steady drizzle -
TIOGA crews packed up their toys and went home.
House-painting ceased at the top of "Livingston Hill" -Putnam Street - and at #183 Babbott Avenue,
and the brightest spot in town seemed to be at Dairy Isle (a.k.a. "Dairy Creme; "Roc's" and/or "The Langone Family Restaurant") where Brianna Cowen and Andy Dorr served up smiles to everyone!
The Writer will be playing The Artist for the next day or so, working on plates for the Waterville Historical Society's "Coloring Book" - due out this Fall! - but we shall certainly plan on taking you for our regular "Ride in the Country" on Sunday.
Have a nice weekend!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Weekend Wind-up
Posted by
5:42 PM
Friday A.M. Ride-around
And then it started to rain: really rain. Some sidewalk prep that was going on in front of the Bancroft residence on Sanger Avenue was in progress - the cabs of the two pieces of machinery involved were, at least, fairly well enclosed.
By 7:15 it was pouring. The Brick Paver crew who had gathered on the sidewalk in front of Morgan's and the Liquor Store dove for cover in doorways.
The Driveway to the Library is now OPEN! Around back, some new shrubbery has been planted. There'll be no need for that garden hose today!
And it rained even harder until, suddenly, at around 8:00, it simply stopped! Canada Geese out at the Moons' went about their business and the brick layers went back to work.
Posted by
7:22 AM
T. G. I. Friday Morning
Although AccuWeather gives us hourly predictions, the WKTV News Channel 2 Forecast, yesterday afternoon, was a little bit more dramatic in their description and labelled our weather "Downright Oppressive!"
- Friday Morning: Showers and thunderstorms, perhaps tapering off by noontime. Temps to near 75-80 by Noon.
- Friday Afternoon: Showers and storms winding down. Gradual clearing, but still hot and soupy. Highs in the low to mid 80s.
- Friday night: Partly cloudy and a bit humid. Low in the mid to upper 60s.
- Saturday: Sun and clouds with a chance of a thunderstorm. Hot and a bit humid. High: 88, Low: 67
- Sunday: A mix of sun and clouds, warm and humid. Chance of a storm. High: 85, Low: 68
The Yankees and RedSox took yesterday off, but both play, this evening, on home fields. NYY vs. TB and BOS vs. LAA - both games at 7:05. P.M.

(Click to enlarge Snapz and Photographs. Time for the Morning Tour. Be back soon!)
Posted by
4:46 AM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
4 O'clock Sweep
Hot and hazy; nearly 90 degrees on Main Street, and I'm sure that if the brick layers who had been installing pavers in front of Morgan's were anywhere near this little watering hole on Brouillette Road, they'd have waded right in with "the girls."
Perhaps the sidewalk crew would have, too: they've laid forms nearly to the village limits; everyone up to the Zirkles has a sidewalk and driveway pouring progressed as far as the Cole residence. There are still quite a few residents who do NOT have anything but the sidewalk forms and they will probably be parking their vehicles elsewhere, over the weekend.
There was a rumor going round, earlier today, that there is a shortage of concrete and that that was causing a slow down in the paving process, but there was a "cement truck" right in front of Olmstead's Garage. (Only with great discipline do I remember that "cement trucks" - called that ever since I was a child! - do NOT dispense cement! It's concrete!)
I had hoped to have so GOOD NEWS to write about - perhaps that the driveway to the Library is now open - but that's not the case.
Instead, I have some REALLY GREAT NEWS!!!!!!
I spoke, this morning, with a close friend of Army Pvt. John Sigsbee who had talked with him yesterday. John said that he'd be COMING HOME TO WATERVILLE - hopefully within the next few days! He's got a good deal of recuperating to do, but he'll be home for a month and, as we all know, there's no better medicine than family and friends! Best Wishes, John!!!
Welcome Home!
Posted by
3:44 PM
The COIRO Gardens on White Street
Everyone admires their front yard and doorway, but looks what's hiding in the back yard!
Photographs by Joan and Jerry Coiro. (Click to Enlarge.)
Posted by
7:48 AM
Thursday morning, continued
Looking down the "tracks" from Olmstead's Garage,
and the "Visitor's Parking Lot" on the West side of Sanger Avenue.
It's trickier than it looks and more artistic than we'd thought, too! All of the areas covered with brick pavers have an edging - or framework - of bricks that abuts sidewalks or curbings at 90 degrees.
ELSEWHERE: Small sidewalk sections had been poured: 1. pedestrian crossing in front of the Waterville Historical Society;
2. pedestrian crossing from Municipal Hall to the Petrie residence; and at the northern end of Municipal Hall.
Obsorn Avenue, closed while the lower half was blacktopped yesterday, is open, today.
The "Driveway Closed" sign is still outside the entrance to the Library.
Posted by
6:56 AM
Thursday - Garbage Day
67 degrees and "muggy." The weather map shows a few green blips, here and there to the West of Waterville, but nothing of any saturational substance.
The New York Yankees took Texas 8 - 7 and are now only 1.5 GB (Games Behind) the RedSox who lost to Oakland, last night. SMILE! It's Stephanie deGroat, student intern at ProActive Physical Therapy, with a new, short haircut that's pretty on her and will also make someone else feel even better: she gave the 12" cut to "Locks of Love."
"Locks of Love" is a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children, eighteen years and younger, who are suffering from long-term medical hair loss.
If you're thinking of getting a cool cut, keep this in mind!
Rt. 12 UPDATE: By the time that I went on afternoon "rounds," yesterday, the brick paving crew had packed up for the day, but had finished some very finicky pattern fittings at Mac's corner and gotten a really good start in front of the Hotel and Morgan's Hardware.
On Sanger Avenue, the sidewalk had been poured as far as the Olmstead residence and everyone from the St. John Apartments to - and including - the Mowreys had driveways. From there Southward the sidewalk forms run in a long, straight line as far as Don Olmstead's Garage and, from that vantage point, almost gave the appearance of railway tracks (without the ties, of course) upon which one might have expected to see the Utica, Chenango and Susquehannah Valley Railroad steam locomotive come chugging up the hill. Unfortunately, there was a great deal of traffic and I couldn't manage to take a good photograph of that view. I did notice, however, that everyone on the opposite side of the street seems to have alot of company! I aked the Lews, yesterday morning, if they had out-of-town visitors and Irene laughed and said, "Oh, no!" Because sidewalk forms block access to driveways, everyone from the East side of Sanger has had to move their vehicles to host parking on the West side!
On Tuesday evening, the Waterville Garden Club had a rare treat: they visited Joan and Jerry Coiro at their home, and in their gardens, on White Street. I am fortunate enough to have at hand two CDs filled with photographs of the gardens. Here is just one picture - others I'll put on a separate post so that those of you who don't want to look at flowers and statues and waterfalls won't have to!
Posted by
4:04 AM
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Two-way traffic has resumed.

Out on Sanger Avenue, Mr. Donald Brown was getting a new driveway and all sorts of prep work was in progress out at the roadside in front of CVS and Roc's.

Look! New window boxes and planters at the Pizzeria!

The driveway still has "CLOSED" signs at both the White Street and "scenic route" entrances, but that may change by 10:00, in time for opening. Phone 841-4651, for latest information.

No morning tour is complete without a stop on S. Babbott to admire Pat's flowers at the old Methodist church!
Click photos to enlarge. E-mail:
Posted by
7:58 AM
Wednesday - Recyclables
63 degrees and muggy-feeling. Some rumbling and rain, last night. Not enough to cause any washouts and sidewalk paving should be able to proceed, again, without any delays.
Both the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Socks lost no time in winning their games, last night:
The Thursday night Musical Special at Michael's will be the Devon Garramone Three-piece JAZZ Ensemble which will be served with the regular menu.
With no events at all shown on the calendar, we'll look elsewhere:
On Saturday - a Special Event in Rome at "Honor America Days" - at 8:00 P.M. it'll be a Syracuse Symphony Concert at Fort Stanwyx featuring the "1812 Overture" - with cannon, of course, at the appropriate measure!
At Glimmerglass Opera, the month winds up with the opening of Jenufa - a new production, co-produced with New York City Opera sung in Czech with English projected titles.
Time for the morning tour. Perhaps I can find out if the Library's new driveway will be opened to vehicular traffic, today!
Posted by
4:46 AM
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Afternoon Sweep
It was really hot and quiet, uptown, at around 4:00. Obviously, the sidewalk and driveway paving and brick-laying crews had been hard at work: more and more driveways have been paved along Sanger Avenue and the sidewalk forms installed as far South as the Bancroft residence. There was still one man working there. Everyone else had found a shady spot to cool off!Laying brick pavers in 80+ degree heat has got to be tough, especially when dealing with lots of small spaces between odd-angled sidewalks -- take a look at the pavers in front of Mac's!
And, just across Buell Avenue, what we thought was going to be all pavers has turned into one of those curvy little sidewalks. Perfect for wheeling kegs, perhaps?
Posted by
3:24 PM