25 degrees and starry-clear, now, with sunny-clear weather
nearly twice that warm predicted for later on.

One thing that I forgot to add to last evening's post: after the Parade had left the Park, I stood talking with a group of villagers for ten minutes or more. At about the time that most of the floats and fire trucks would have reached the Fire House, where Santa waited, from the belfry in the Masonic Temple came Christmas Carols! Perfect!
And - even before that - parade-goers had been treated to carols by a
group of twenty-or-so singers standing on the front steps at the SouthGate Ministries.
I was hoping that I'd find something in this morning's online edition of the Utica Observer-Dispatch about the Parade of Lights: not so - although there was an article about the Shoppers' Stroll in Clinton that sort-of tied in with another article about Bleary-eyed Shoppers who had braved the bigger stores for early-morning bargains.
I think that had a reporter been assigned to cover Waterville, they would have had quite a nice time!
Another article in the O-D deals with the Oneida Nation's attempts to put its Land into Trust and lists options suggested in a brand new government study: a topic in which many property- and business-owners to the northewest of us are intensely interested. I havn't read the entire article, but this caught my eye -- I'll go back to it: one option suggests "doubling the amount of land that would become free from state and local taxation and regulation." (What????)
Several days ago, I had an E-mail inquiry from someone new to the area who was trying to find the name of a restaurant she'd heard of that served Thanksgiving Dinner "every day of the year!" I couldn't come up with the name, so - in turn - sent an E-mail to about dozen friends. I think they all answered, and they all knew the answer: "Plainville Farms!" So - if YOU havn't had your turkey dinner yet (or think you'd like some more!) that's your answer! Those who had been there said it was well-worth the drive to Cicero!
Whatever it is that you do, today, have a Good Day!