41.7 degrees: not shiney, but not soggy, either!

"Social Notes" excerpted from the writer's weekly column - In Timely Manner - in today's issue of the Waterville Times:
We had a delightful telephone call from our special friend, Marjorie Barnes, who - a longtime reader of the Waterville Times - wanted to know all about the changes along Route 12, on Madison Street and also at the new Library. A packet of photographs will soon be in the mail to the Barnes at their home in Virginia.
Carol and Steve Aldridge, accompanied by Mrs. A.’s son John Platz, of Barneveld, attended the Rochester wedding of her nephew, Dr. Eric Socha, the son of Paul and Joanie Socha of Whitesboro. Mrs. Aldridge’s mother, Edith Socha who lives in Deansboro, attended the wedding in the company of her son Gary and his wife Nancy from Dan Diego, California, who have been guests at the Aldridges’ in Waterville. Carol writes, “Steve, John and I stayed the night in Rochester and got up Sunday morning and drove to Buffalo to visit my other son Aaron Platz, his wife Annie, and 2 granddaughters, Samantha who is 5 and Leto who is 8 months old. Gary & Nancy have been wined & dined by family members including Paul & Joanie, Rip & Judy Elliott, Dorothy & Fred Moon, and myself. We even enjoyed a fish fry at Michael's on Friday the fifteenth. They took Mom for a drive up to Old Forge on Monday the 18th. Poor Nancy is freezing. She is not used to this cold weather!” They returned to California last Saturday.
The Philip Persons of Putnam Street have just returned from a trip to Kalispel, Montana, visiting their son, Bill Burback and family, Terry and Kayli. Each day proved to be a new experience. With Bill as their tour guide, Mrs. Person writes, they saw first hand, the beauty of the countryside and surrounding majestic mountains -- “the "Big" skies of Montana --just unreal!! The high point was a trip to Glacier National Park, driving the scenic route to the very top, where we found freshly fallen snow,then crossing the Continental Divide. What a magnificent view!! What we actually needed, was MORE time, perhaps on our next trip.”
The William O’Dowds of Stafford Avenue North took their annual trip to Milbridge, Maine, to visit their daughter Mary Margaret and her husband Tom Potter. The weather was beautiful. They went to Calais and visited a lovely museum which is going to close due to lack of funds. “It had a lot of data about the Indians and early settlers among the other displays and,” wrote Peg, “it was sad to think that this place will close. We visited Saint Croix Island where the first French settlers came in 1604 -1605. The first winter took 35 lives so in the spring they moved to Port Royal. Mary Margaret makes a great tour guide." On the way back to Waterville they stopped at John O'Dowd 's home in Amherst, New Hampshire, where Bill inspected John's new work on the house and gave his approval. Their grandson Dylan was there but John's wife Yim, a flight attendant, was on a flight to San Francisco and not to return ‘til the next day.
We wish a speedy recovery to Mr. T. Snyder of West Bacon Street who is back in Waterville after a bit of a stay in the hospital. He is currently undergoing rehabilitational treatment at the Harding Nursing Home. We note that Miss Marion Barnes has recently taken up residence at Hardings'.
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