We don't need to know the houly forecast, do we? It's sort-of like that joke, "Déjà vu, all over again!"
WKTV Channel 2 Weather Today predicts:
Partly to mostly sunny and very hot. High humidity. Highs 93-98.
Tonight: Partly cloudy, warm, and very humid. Low in the mid 70's.
Wednesday: Sun and clouds, continued hot and humid with a late day thunderstorm. High in the mid 90's.

Above: Osborn Avenue in Winter. Below: Boston in Summer - Sox 9, Cleveland 8.

One photo left from yesterday: Mr. R. Brown spied the word "STAIRS" lettered next to the curbing at two locations on East Main Street: one nearly in front of the "Uptown" Beauty Parlor and one just to the East of the Woodman-Getman Law Offices front door.
He was on Main Street taking photographs from the same (or very close to the same) locations as pictures taken in April 2005 - before the D.O.T. project had commenced. It's going to be a time-consuming project to match them all up, but it is interesting to see how much we may have forgotten, already!

On a different note: Steven O'Dowd, his wife Rhonda and their children Caitlin, Fallon, Liam and Roisin spent several days visiting in Waterville. This is always a particularly special vacation treat for Peg and Bill because Steve and his family had come all the way from Israel. They live in TelAviv, but Steve's office is at the American Council in Jerusalem.
(For those whose geographic familiarity with that area is not as good as it might - or should - be, like ours, we add this map.)