It was below freezing - 31.8 degrees - at around 7:00. The WCS Varsity Football team lost to Frankfort-Schuyler 48 - 0, but they won't even begin to feel the sort of "cold shoulder" that the Yankees will get from New York!
It's going to be a nice, sunny day, here, so I dug out two really old photographs, taken on "scoots" up North fifteen or twenty years ago, and an even older poem, "When the Frost is on the Punkin'," by James Whitcomb Riley.
I've been told that late yesterday afternoon the North Country Landscaping crew was planting a row of shrubbery on the little rise just beyond CVS: you know the one? The shrubs are intended to reduce drifting -- we'll see! It's probably the same spot that Abner Livermore refers to in his 1851 "Reminiscences of Sangerfield."
"The greatest snow storm ever known in this country before or since commenced on the last day of March. it was very cold and the storm continued a week. A great body of snow fell and drifted badly. Nearly one hundred inhabitants of the Huddle turned out with teams and shovels to break the road to the Center. About half way there they met the Center people working their way through the snow drifts to get to the Huddle. Thus it required the energies of these two villages all day to break one mile of road, the most public road in town, too."
But now it's really sunny and warming up nicely: Have a Great Day!!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Sunny Saturday
Posted by
6:37 AM
Friday, October 06, 2006
Friday afternoon
The sun came out; frostiness went away, and this has been a PERFECT Fall day!

as well as on front lawns southward on Rt. 12.

on the corner of Stafford Avenue and Bacon Street.
And if this weather holds, who knows how many improvements will be made around residences over the long weekend!
Posted by
12:16 PM
Frosty Friday!
There probably isn't really any frost, but I think this is the chilliest morning we've had, so far, and at barely 35 degrees it certainly feels frosty enough!
According to the Weather Channel chart, above, the full moon is on Sunday, the 8th. The
Utica-Observer-Dispatch calls it the 7th; and "Earth & Sky" say's it's the 6th - that's today!
The only reason for wondering when it REALLY is, is that some sources are calling this appearance of the full moon "The Harvest Moon."
Whereas tuberous begonias and impatiens are nearly at the end of their season, other flowers - like the bottle and fringed gentians - love these cooler temperatures. Mrs. Davis, of Sanger Avenue, knew exactly when (yesterday) and where (on Bogan Road) to look to find this clump of bright blue Aconite, or Monkshood.
We'll be watching to see if more trees or shrubs arrive in town, today - there are quite a number of stakes (which appear to indicate that "a tree is coming") on lawns along Sanger Avenue.
One spot where there may be too many trees - 'tho small ones - is on both sides of the Big Creek culvert. All of a sudden, spots like that - and the overgrown planting at the bank building - stand out as "sore thumbs."

A group of us stood and pondered the problem, yesterday: we'd have been willing to dig in and dig OUT, but we think that footing is tricky in those locations!
That complaint, however, is minor compared to the rising (yet modified!) Hue and Cry over the lack of white-line pedestrian crossings on Madison Street and Sanger Avenue at the point of the Park - where so many WCS students cross the road before and after school. (Or on their way to and from Football Games!)
WCS Boys Varsity Football meets Frankfort-Schuyler at Brothertown Stadium this evening at 7:00.

Posted by
5:38 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Later on....
The Department of Public Works - a.k.a. "the village crew" - was out early this morning placing flower tubs throughout the Business District and I think that a few more trees have been planted.It's rather hard to pick out the new trees that have been planted along the South side of East Main Street: they're barely more than saplings, to start with, and the sun only hits that side early in the morning, but there must be half-a-dozen or more, and they DO LOOK NICE! Eventually, cast iron tree grates will be put in place around the bases.
On West Main Street there are four or five new trees that I think are the "Aristocrat" pear tree - at least the leaves on one have spots of bright red and gold!
There are two more between Stewart's and Karl Davis' Garage and then another in front of the Hardings' little old School House.
A new area of shrubbery labelled "Wiegela Victoria" has been planted at the point of Monument Park. (There seem to be two ways of spelling "wiegela" --- many older folks pronounce it "wie ge´ lia" --- but both, or all, varieties have pretty pink blossoms in the late Springtime.)
(Earlier today I received this "press release" from Byron Stuhlman. Because Ann is so well-know and greatly admired by many throughout the area, I want to make sure this news reaches you right away.)
Ann Allen Stillman, who has served Grace Church, Waterville, in many capacities over the years -- as a member of the Vestry, warden, pastoral leader, lay reader, and eucharistic visitor -- will be ordained to the diaconate of the Episcopal Church with seven others in a service at St. Paul's Cathedral, Syracuse, on Saturday, October 7. Ann has completed a three-year course of study in the local diocesan formation program in preparation for her ordination.
After serving in the diaconate over the next year, Ann looks forward to ordination to the priesthood in the future. She will assist at Grace Church and in other local ministries during the diaconate.
Several members of Grace Church will have a part in the ordination. Byron Stuhlman serves as master of ceremonies for the service, Gail Prentice and Kristin Strohmeyer will act as cantors, and six singers from the parish will be part of a joint choir.
Ann will act as deacon for the first time at the Sunday eucharist at Grace Church on October 8 and will preach at that service. A reception to honor her will follow the service.
And just in case Donna Pisiak-Relf in Dr. Chabot's office thought that we'd forgotten her birthday, guess what: We sort-of did! But not for very long!
Will the readers who happen to be going in the direction of the Medical Building on West Main Street please be so kind as to stop in and say - loudly, so all can hear:
and tell her you read it on the blog!
Posted by
7:19 AM
Thursday morning - Garbage Day, again
44.8 degrees, and we've had our regular overnight watering.
The New York Yankees Wednesday game was delayed and will be played this afternoon at 1:00.
Is our usually brilliant foliage also on delay? The Fall Foliage Report gives an overview of several areas of the State, with the observer in the Utica area "projecting 50 percent color change with average-to-muted green, gold, orange and some red leaves." While we wait ......
Fall Colds, however, are arriving right on schedule! Old-fashioned wisdom (which is usually right!) says that there are too many warm-weather germs still in the air and that if we'd have a good overnight freeze then everyone would get better! Until then, and if modern medicines just don't work fast enough, don't forget the Chicken Soup.
The Chicken Soup website was sent to me, recently, and I'm relaying it to you ONLY for your own amusement! (I'm not advocating the efficacy of the remedy, but will be buying a package of chicken at Foodking, this morning, just to be on the safe side!)
Stay Well!
Posted by
5:38 AM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Wednesday Wrap
The blogger is only one of MANY who, on days like this when nothing new happens, get bored! We've become so used to the entertainment provided by TIOGA et al that we may even suffer from some sort of "withdrawal" when they all leave! (Surely someone is saying "Get a life!!!")
As of mid-afternoon, no new trees had sprung up on Main Street. Perhaps they're being dug, today, and will arrive tomorrow?I believe that the low evergreens that have been planted at the point of Monument Park and along the tops of the retaining walls in Sangerfield are a variety of spreading juniper -Juniperus horizontalis - called ‘Bar Harbor’ that will spread to form an evergreen carpet with a purplish tinge in the winter.
Along with the Wednesday "regulars," having tuna sandwiches or French Dip or Lasagna at Michael's, today, the Clergy of the community were enjoying their monthly get-together at one large table and, at another, David Beurle, Mr. Robert Harding, Tom Morgan, Patty Ford, Tom Eisenhut, Roc Langone and Judy Owens-Manley continued the conversations started by the Convention for the Future which was held this past May in Waterville. Mr. Harding wrote to the blogger to say that the gathering wasn't a merchants' or business association or formal meeting - "just a group of people talking about how to keep the spirit of growth and opportunity alive." Mr. Buerle, the internationally-known Convention Speaker, was in the area holding Community Conventions in the Mohawk Valley, Kuyahoora Valley and Dolgeville as well as addressing the Herkimer County Conference of Mayors. "His focus was to remind those present that momentum builds from successful projects that showcase what can be done cooperatively and that the Waterville area is on the right track!"
Posted by
3:16 PM
Wednesday Morning
Recyclables Day! It's 48 degrees and moist - but not really raining - out, at 5:15.
Bobby Abreu made his Yankees playoff debut in style, driving in four runs and leading the Yankees to an 8-4 win of Game 1 of the American League Division Series on Tuesday. Derek Jeter went 5-for-5 with a home run and Jason Giambi added a two-run shot.
If you're a commuter and have been trying to deal with single-lane slow-downs on the Arterial in New Hartford, this article from today's Observer-Dispatch is for you! And another article provides welcome news for opponents of the proposed Power Line.
Front Page Headlines from today's issue of the Waterville Times:
- "Lace up for the Maine Event Oct. 14" - 11th annual 10K run and 5K run/walk Oct. 14.
- "Plans Come Together for Downtown" - "Cruise into Waterville" on Oct. 14.
- "Trail Day Oct. 7" - Chenango Canal Assoc. cleanup from 10 to noon.
- "WCS Organizes Powerline Foes"
- "Senior Housing Project Looked At" - proposal made at Mon. P.M. Village Board meerting.
WCS' Mary Campbell sent me these pictures, taken at last Sunday's Dedication of the Alumni Walkway.
More photos of the Dedication in the Waterville Times as well as pictures taken at last Saturday's Benefit for Pvt. Steve Smith at the American Legion.
A few excerpts from The Writer's weekly column, "In Timely Manner" -
Residents of Stafford Avenue have now been officially notified that they will soon be moving to Barton Avenue! (The move is not literal, of course, but they’ll still need to notify banks, the Department of Motor Vehicles, magazines, friends and relatives etc. of their Change of Address.) Having known both Edward and Hilda Barton and being well aware of the many public improvements that have made possible by the Edward S. Barton Trust, the writer is quite sure that although either of them might find such a well-deserved public and lasting honor somewhat embarrassing, they could not help but be pleased to be so remembered.
The Memorial Bandstand Committee invites all interested parties to join them for a major “brainstorming session” in the Program Room of the new Library at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 21st. (In order to maximize mental agility and efficiency, refreshments will be served.)

Historian Mrs. P. S. Brown had luncheon at Michael’s, last week, with Ms. Debbie Jeffers and Mr. Paul Hyde, both of Newark, Delaware. Ms. Jeffers, although she did not grow up in Waterville, knows a great deal about the village’s history (one of her great-gggg-grandfathers was present when the name “Waterville” was chosen) and is an ace genealogist who has traced the TERRY Family Tree “all the way to the tips of its branches!” She and Mr. Hyde are both “Mac” experts, as well, in the employ of the University of Delaware Art Department as technical advisors, giving them all - including Ms. Jeffers’ mother, from Clinton, who joined them - even more to talk about! Debbie and Paul had taken a pre-luncheon tour of our new Library building and returned to do some afternoon research.
Former Waterville High School and MVCC runner, Gary Leigh of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, is now competing as a “senior!” At 51 years old, he has been busy at the Pennsylvania Senior Games where he placed first in his age category (51 - 54 years) in both the 100- and 200-meter dashes. These medals guarantee him a spot in the 2007 Senior Olympics in Louisville, Kentucky. He won more gold medals at the Mid-Atlantic USATF Open, the Masters Outdoor Championship and Keystone State Summer Games. His times are better than in 2005 hopes to keep improving. He runs two or three times a week at a local high school track and works out at the YMCA. He is the son of Mrs. Virginia Leigh of Waterville and Mesa, Arizona.
Guaranteed to be the center of attention, young Master Garant T. (for Thomas) Acker who was born on Tuesday, September 26th, to Courtney Johnson Acker and Jason Acker of Daytonville Road. Admirers include the doting grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Garry Johnson from Oriskany Falls, Grandpa Gary Acker of Waterville, Grandma Deb Mayne and Grandpa Doug, and Great-grandparents Nancy and Frank Acker of Waterville and Betty Kniffen of Brookfield.
Mrs. Richard Zirkle of Sanger Avenue has returned to Waterville following a visit with her mother, Mrs. Nelda Hinz, and her son Theron and his wife Jennifer in Saginaw, Michigan. Mr. Richard Zirkle who had returned to Waterville after a brief "Hi" and "Goodbye" over the Labor day weekend, drove back to Saginaw in time for a mini family reunion which included son Brian and his family who had flown to Saginaw from Virginia. Everybody returned to their respective homes last weekend.
Sandy Martin writes that The Crimson Bonnets held their September get- together last Thursday at the Moose River Restaurant at the Holiday Inn where luncheon choices were pork barbecue, grilled chicken or shrimp wrap. “The shrimp wrap was out of this world,” she adds! The hostesses for this meeting were Sandy Brown, Nancy Lewis and Sue Green. The ladies made fall center pieces for which a drawing was held with one lucky winner from each table receiving an arrangement to take home. Next month, the ladies will be going to the Red Lobster for lunch - that, too, sounds wonderful!
News of this recent event came from Mrs. Gibbons of Osborn Avenue: on Thursday the 28th, Marlene Jones Fuks from Arizona and Marilyn Aprath Jackson of Canastota and Florida had lunch with five of their longtime girlfriends from Waterville at that restaurant on Main Street. They, along with Shirley Hart, Dee Gurdo, Pat Ireland, Dana Broedel and Bev Gibbons always have a wonderful time catching up and, most likely, end their luncheon chats with a hopeful promise of “Same time, next year!”
Email the Writer
Posted by
4:33 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Tuesday wrap-up
Several trees have been planted on East Main Street and a few on West Main. Are they all Lindens? Original lists included two or three varieties of maples and also the new Acolade Elm. The Spreading Juniper shrubs have been set in the ground at the point of Monument Park and two or three lovely Blue Spruce planted close by.
Watching all of the action from the front window of the Waterville Times, Kim Kupris and Kristi Kosmoski - if you thought it was chilly, just let their smiles warm you!
Posted by
5:46 PM
The Blog's Been Changed!
There were at least three reasons that the blog format that we're all used to just wasn't working:
- readers who used Internet Explorer just weren't able to get a good image at all,
- everyone missed being able to scroll backwards to their heart's delight: now you can scroll for seven days - if you want more, I'll add more!
- I was not able to archive by week or month without having the entire layout fall apart.
So - please bear with me on this: I'm not as pleased with the appearance of this page as I was with the old style, but I'll be tinkering with the colors and if I can adjust, I hope that you can, too! Thank You!
Email the Writer
Posted by
1:23 PM
Trees are Here!
That's not to say that they're in the ground, but there are a dozen or so lying on the ground here and there along Main Street.
Quite a few small, potted evergreen shrubs - of the "spreading" variety - have been set out on both sides of the new sidewalk at the point of Monument Park, ready for planting. There was also a row of them atop the retaining wall at the Harringtons' and the other lengths of wall will probably acquire the same plantings.
The "turn-around" at the Library has lots of new chrysanthemums and so, all together, it would be nice to have some gentle rain this afternoon and evening. The trees on Main Street look especially thirsty!
The siding on the Western end of "Stinkers" is being repaired and a new Autumn Display has appeared at Terry Meadows.
Email the Writer
Posted by
10:10 AM
Tuesday Morning
47 degrees at 5:00 A.M. and the Weather Channel is forecasting showers throughout the morning and scattered thunderstorms later on.
"Rain, AGAIN?" you might say, but we couldn't help but notice, yesterday afternoon as we drove across the "orange bridge" in Hubbardsville, that the Sangerfield River definitely seemed LOW!
take Tom's advice!

Thanks Liz! (Kane). She dropped two fliers off at Whiskey Hollow, yesterday afternoon. On one was a list of Events and Entertainments that are being arranged for Saturday, October 14th, between 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. (No specific times are indicated for any.)
Dedication of the Rotary Centennial Clock
Craft Fair
Bake Sale
Machinery Display
Puppet Show
Fire Safety
Brunswick Tours
Library Tours
Car Show
Chicken BBQ
Merchant Specials
Chinese Auction
Flea Market
The other flier asked those seeking information or vendors wanting to participate to phone either her (841-4746) or Sue Price (841-4459).

This house on East Bacon Street is all ready for a Fall Celebration - the rest of us (especially those homes and businesses along Main Street and Sanger Avenue who will find themselves the Center of Attention on the 14th) have a week-and-a-half to get all gussied up and decorated, too!
Posted by
4:07 AM
Monday, October 02, 2006
Monday, later on
Mr. Hudson has added a tidy little cellar entryway to the hotel and has been painting the rear and side walls of the hotel an old-fashioned shade of deep reddish-brown. Little bits of clean-up work went on along Route 12, today: some driveways down towards Sangerfield are getting a final smoothing of blacktop; topsoil is waiting for turf or Hydroseed next to the new sidewalks at the corner of Sanger Avenue and Park Place, and new pavers have been laid where the "adjustment" was made to the curbing in front of Morgan's Harware and the Hotel. Tomorrow - if all goes according to the D.O.T. schedule! - TREES ARRIVE!
We'll be eager to see if the ornamental pear trees, due to be planted between the Hotel and Stewart's, already have their Autumn colors.
To see the brightest foliage, take a ride along Kelly Road (off of Mason Road, just North of Hubbardsville) and look down into Nine Mile Swamp. It's dazzling to the eye, and nearly blinded my camera!

Posted by
7:21 AM
Monday Morning!
It's a mild 50.9 degrees at 5:00 A.M. and we'll be able to dry out a little bit, today.

Village Board Meeting
7:00 P.M.
Municipal Hall.

A reader reports that the Garden Club's "Mum," Bake & Rummage Sale on Saturday morning was a grand success and that the next Garden Club meeting, this Wednesday, will be about Bicycling in Ireland - Cathy and Liz's Excellent Adventure!
She also refers us to an new addition to the Waterville Public Library Website: an interactive Adult Survey. Please take the time to give the Board your input.
I've gotten word that "the October 14th celebration seems to be gaining momentum" and hope that this week's issue of the Waterville Times - or someone involved in the planning of the event - will elaborate.

Email the Writer
Posted by
5:00 AM