We don't need to know the houly forecast, do we? It's sort-of like that joke, "Déjà vu, all over again!"
WKTV Channel 2 Weather Today predicts:
Partly to mostly sunny and very hot. High humidity. Highs 93-98.
Tonight: Partly cloudy, warm, and very humid. Low in the mid 70's.
Wednesday: Sun and clouds, continued hot and humid with a late day thunderstorm. High in the mid 90's.

Above: Osborn Avenue in Winter. Below: Boston in Summer - Sox 9, Cleveland 8.

One photo left from yesterday: Mr. R. Brown spied the word "STAIRS" lettered next to the curbing at two locations on East Main Street: one nearly in front of the "Uptown" Beauty Parlor and one just to the East of the Woodman-Getman Law Offices front door.
He was on Main Street taking photographs from the same (or very close to the same) locations as pictures taken in April 2005 - before the D.O.T. project had commenced. It's going to be a time-consuming project to match them all up, but it is interesting to see how much we may have forgotten, already!