Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday afternoon

Score one for Waterville!

After months (or years?) of "discussions," Waterville has won, and the tilting pole next to the Bank buildiung has been replaced with one that stands perfectly straight!!

And after years and years of wondering how to keep the drainage ditch next to the Buell Avenue sidewalk from getting clogged, it appears that the solution is, simply, to keep Kevin digging!

Paul Evans, the D.O.T. Landscape Designer, has been in town "planting" a dozen or so brightly-flagged stakes on E. Main Street and in Monument Park.
We are given to understand that living trees will be planted starting next Tuesday.

The blogger will be taking the weekly "Ride in the Country" tomorrow instead of Sunday: taking pictures in the rain gets to be frustrating and the forecast for Sunday is "wet." This afternoon we took a quick run to the countryside to see if the Witch Hazel was in bloom: Yes!

I've "Photoshopped" this picture of the Cleary Homestead. The leaves on the big maple tree are just beginning to turn, but if you go back sometime over the weekend it might look like this!

Add Bright to your life: remember the Garden Club's great Rummage, Bake and "Mum" Sale
tomorrow from 10:00 - 4:00 at the Methodist Church on Terry Place.