It's 30.6 degrees. The observer, who has just been out for the newspaper, reports that "it's cloudy; there's no precipitation, and the roar of the "Big River" behind the house has receded to the normal muttering of "Big Creek."
We had a very light frosting of snow, yesterday, that disappeared nearly as soon as it fell. I just checked the Webcam in Old Forge to see if they'd had any lasting accumulation: no.
Does this remind you of a shot from a TV Newscast showing hundreds of passengers milling around in an airport on a holiday weekend? There were hundreds of Canada Geese all around the pond on Madison Street waiting, it appeared, for someone to announce the departure of their flight!

I took a picture of the decorations at Dan Maine's woodworking shop, a few days ago, thinking that the Christmas look was complete: it wasn't it!! It's even better, now!
In the Park, the Masons were getting ready for their Annual Christmas Tree Sale.

There still was no sign of the lights with which the Parade of Lights Committee usually decorates trees in the Park, so I went asking, "Why?" The answer elicits a loud
"Aw, Shucks!"
or something like that
or something like that
from those who hear it. The Committee did, indeed, go to the Park on the eleventh, all set to decorate, but discovered that there was NO ELECTRICAL POWER where they needed it! It appears that lines were cut sometime during the reconstruction project - possibly when the new curbing was installed or during the street-paving process.
Another disappointment for the Committee is that they had purchased quite a number of new strings of lights with which they were going to decorate some of the Victorian Lamp Posts. (Perhaps they will still have a chance to do that before Christmas!)
I had a nice long letter, yesterday, from Tom Barnes in Connecticut. He'd just discovered this blog and had printed several days' worth to send to his parents - Marjorie and Willis - in Virginia. He'd also enclosed a note to them saying “It’s time to get the Computer!” (What fun they'll have with E-mail!!!)