As far as wrapping up, goes, TIOGA and PowerLine closed up shop before 4:00, but - by that time - they'd:
- finished laying brick pavers from Mac's to the Alsheimer property driveway as well as along the White Street side of the former bank building
- paved numerous driveways
- and given Mr. Cleary a sidewalk upon which to walk downtown
- installed sidewalk forms along the South side of Sanger Avenue as far as the Mowreys.

"In other news:"

Unless you travel on Route 315 regularly - and especially if you walk or try to push a stroller up and down the hill, often - you can't appreciate what a super job the "summer crew" has done cleaning vegetation away from the Buell Avenue sidewalk. Thank you, guys!
And, over at Babbott Field, it didn't take these "children" long to discover the new pieces of playground equipment!

I'll be "playing" at some distance from my computer, tomorrow, but hope that all of you have a Safe and Pleasant Weekend!
See you Monday morning!