It IS cooler, today! A gentleman - working in the pleasant, air-conditioned refuge of Foodking - stated, quite happily, that his car thermometer had only read 92 degrees as opposed to yesterday's 96! (We feel better, already!)
The sidewalk crew has been going nothing short of "great guns," today: starting at the Presbyterian church, they have worked their way down to Mac's and around the corner down onto Route 315 past Tom Eisenhut's parking lot.
A confab on the Corner - it looked as if Mr. Hudson was discussing sidewalk location with Mssrs. Kentile and Ostrander and, from their smiles, they were all in agreement!
Earlier today, Ms. Leslie Olivera-VanWormer brought me a CD of video that she had filmed at Jacobs Field in Cleveland when the WCS Marching Band was playing the National Anthem. It IS WONDERFUL to see and hear! Also on the disc - a film clip of the band marching onto the field, single file, looking is if it were the largest band in the country!
At her request (and after I'd made a copy of the disc for myself) I've taken the original to the Library where ANY- and EVERYONE can watch it!
(Click to enlarge photographs.) E-mail: Have a nice evening, everyone!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Tuesday wrap-up
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3:08 PM