Wednesday, August 09, 2006


It's a refreshing 50 degrees, at 6:00 A.M., with nice bright sunshine!

Last evening's forecast by WKTV Channel 2's Matt Lanza went like this: "This will be the coolest night since early-mid June. Also, with a full moon, it will be bright out there!
But on Wednesday, we'll bring back the sun again from start to finish. It will be a little milder too, as high temperatures should push 80 degrees. After another cool night on Wednesday night, a cold front will approach us from the north."

WeatherUnderground gets specific:

Baseball fans are blue: the Yankees lost to the White Sox 6 - 5 and Boston lost to the K. C. Royals 6 - 4, so the standing stay the same with Boston 2 G.B.

Many blog-followers live quite some distance from Waterville, and ask for more "Before & After" pictures!

(Click to enlarge Snapz and Photographs.)

On East Main Street - April 2005 and July 2006.

The 1906 Watering Trough is now IN the park - moved on one very cold day in January - but now surrounded by a nice walkway. -

A slightly different angle of the Park, but you can get the general idea!

The dirt path right in front of you will soon be grassed over so that the only access to the Park will be pedestrian.

One set of photographs from the Sunday "Ride in the Country" drew a great deal of interest - the field of Shocks of Grain - but some blog-readers did not realize that any words that are UNDERLINED, as "sheaves" and "shocks." - are a link to another website. Just run your cursor over the copy of these blog posts and, when you see something that's underlined, click on it: magic will happen! To return to the blog, click on your browser's "back" arrow.