John Savage has sent me the Pop Warner PeeWee Play Off Schedule:
it all begins on Saturday, at 10:00 A.M.!

If we had been a bit closer to the village of Esperance, last evening,
the Oz Family would have visited us. They sent a photograph, instead!
the Oz Family would have visited us. They sent a photograph, instead!
Wearing their usual "costumes" - hard hats and safety vests - and carrying their usual props - surveying equipment and walkie-talkies - a D.O.T. crew is making a "Final" survey of the Rt. 12 Highway Reconstruction Project --- a step in declaring that it is entirely finished. The only place where any work at all is in progress is in what used to be the deep ravine behind homes on the southeasterly side of Sanger Avenue, where all of the old pavement was dumped. Property-owners were promised that their back yards would all be nicely terraced and finished off: no one has complained, so far!
Perhaps someone would send a photograph of that work for blog-readers to see?
And I'm hoping that sometime today some photographs will arrive from Hobie and Lois Morris taken, very recently, of a black bear that has been making himself at home around their Quaker Hill residence! He's investigated their cold-storage bins and given their truck a good look-see, but has done no damage, so far!