Saturday, December 16, 2006

Saturday afternoon

It was windy, dank and chilling, but the five-minute Ceremony during which the Flagpole at the new Waterville Public Library was dedicated and the Stars and Stripes raised, this morning, was a heart-warming and memorable "small town" event.

Following a short address during which he said that it is to all Veterans that we owe our freedom to have a Library and to be able to go into it and read, Mike Kopec, former Commander and Chaplain of the Clifford J. Fulmer Post 92 of the America Legion, presented Library Director Jeffrey Reynolds with a brand new flag. Three Boy Scouts then took the flag and, while the National Anthem was played, raised it to the top of the flagpole. Mr. Kopec then led the assembled group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

How disappointing!

How embarrassing!


How come no one was there?


In "Small Town, U.S.A." or Mayberry or Cabot Cove there would have been a crowd - especially because refreshments were promised! - but on hand this morning were:
Ms. Patty Louise;
Scout Leader Mr. Strohmeyer and three Boy Scouts,
Library Director Reynolds,
Legion Chaplain Michael Kopec,
the members of the Library Board,
former Librarian Wendy Sexton
Nora Keating
Roseanne Gallagher
Beverly Gibbons
and me.

I really was upset and ready to leave, but then decided to go inside and help "make a crowd." I ended up having a nice long chat with Mr. Reynolds - we're both "Mac" people and a little crazy about gardens, too, so we talked about everything from Hop Vines, Herb Gardens, "Blogs" and digital cameras. Then, of course, I found the huge tray of goodies in the front Activity Room and showed my appreciation for them in what I thought would be an appropriate manner!