58 degrees, out, and Waterville is well watered! Rain fell nearly all night long, so there is certainly no danger of the new lawns along Sanger Avenue drying out right away!
The process of laying lush, green sod in the "tree belt" and along the inside of the sidewalk progressed, yesterday, from near the Meszler residence to half-way across the front of Ms. McNamara's property.
Who will be the first to mow his new lawn? Kevin Bancroft says it won't be he: he'll wait a couple of weeks to let the sod take hold and grow a little.
Topsoil has been nicely spread and rolled along the rest of that stretch of Sanger Avenue and on Park Place except for that awkward situation just at the corner where, apparently, no one can decide exactly how to create the sidewalk so that it will provide appropriate handicap access! Also ready for sod: the Eastern point of the Park and the point of Monument Park.
Although a few more showers are in Waterville's forecast, I hope that there are only sunny skies over Little Tupper Lake. Nine Boy Scouts from Troop 108 and three adults - Bill Strohmeyer, Phil Barnes, and Justin Hicks - left today for a four day canoe trek on Little Tupper Lake, just north of Long Lake. They are camping on an island in the William C. Whitney Wilderness area of the Adirondacks. The boys canoed and kayaked in, and plan on spending the long weekend doing day trips and some hiking in the immediate area.
Elsewhere: there should be a law that Major League Baseball Games played on the West Coast should always be in the afternoon, Pacific Time. This business of staying up until after 1:00 A.M. just to watch your team get beaten is ridiculous!
If you know Tami York, make sure she sees the Car Wash sign!
And don't forget that there's a Pop Warner BOTTLE DRIVE this morning from 9:00 'til noon.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Soggy Saturday morning
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5:22 AM