Good News!
- Madison, the errant chocolate lab, has found her own way home and - after an overwhelmingly warm reception - now finds herself being inexplicably, irrevocably grounded!
- Power Line has been reinstalling or reactivating the sensors for the Fire House corner traffic light!
More "carving" of frontages took place on lawns South toward Sangerfield and some very precise cleaning of paving bricks was in progress in front of Mac's and the Laundromat. (Perhaps the sealer coat is coming, soon?)
We took a short "ride in the country" today, back to Pratt's Hollow, especially to take a photograph of a little front yard farm stand we noticed last Sunday and buy some home-made pickles!
The Yankees beat Detroit by two, this afternoon, and sportsfans will be watching the US OPEN tonight!
Have a nice evening!