Friday, September 01, 2006

It's Fish Fry-Day!

48 degrees, chilly and Fallish.
Nice for the moment, but it's going to be sort-of soggy, here, over much of the Labor Day Weekend.

If you're travelling to the Southeast, the Weather Channel provides a Hurricane Ernesto Tracker.

If you're a tennis fan, it was worth staying up half the night to watch Andre Agassi Win at the US OPEN and RedSox fans were similarly rewarded with their team's 6 - 4 win over Detroit.

In Waterville, people are keeping score on which parts of which construction projects are on schedule: now that the D. O. T. Highway Reconstruction Project is nearly wrapped up, all eyes are on those at both the Memorial Park School and at the Madison Street Middle- and High School building. If there are any students or parents who either hope (or fear) that the Opening next Thursday will be delayed: no! that won't happen! Just keep shopping! (We understand that between "must have" lists of supplies sent from schools and "must have" lists chalked up by the students, themselves, the total can be quite astounding!) Oh, for the Good Old Days!!!

The Schoolhouse at Hanover
date unknown - probably c. 1880
Courtesy the Waterville Historical Society.

Remembering "First Day of School" essentials in Western Massachusetts in the late 40's: a new plaid woolen skirt, perhaps a sweater, knee socks and "saddle shoes" plus a new three-ring binder in a case that zipped all the way around (we didn't have "book bags," back then) and a new zipper pencil case with some yellow pencils. Most of my classmates walked home at lunchtime, but those who stayed at school could buy a little bottle of Milk for 5 cents to go with their home-made peanut-butter or egg salad sandwiches.

What do YOU remember? Email the Writer

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